Day 8 – Anaheim, California – 5th March 2016

Sorry I forgot the PS for the night of the 3rd. We fiddled around a bit and then we went to the All American Military Store as Maria wanted something special for John. Lots of great things there and a successful shopping trip. Capped a few more munzees around the place and then left the car back at the hotel and walked back to California Adventure for the light show. Only thing was everyone had to stand to see so was a bit stiff after standing round for just over an hour. Oh well. The show was great with images being projected on jets of water telling the story of Walt Disney and how the whole empire began and developed.

OK back to today!

Might not have done as much walking only just under 9 kms, but lots of socialising and munzee capping. Started off the morning with breakfast at a Carls Jr and then moved on to Yorba Regional Park where the main event and the main reason for coming to California, Munzee Madness 5. More socialising, walking around the park and munzeeing, lunch, raffle, more munzees, clean up and then more munzees, both Maria and I managed 100K in a day which is an achievement that we can’t do at home. Did however hear lots of hummingbirds, heard and saw a woodpecker and obviously the squirrels get fed as they thought we might feed them! Also blue jays and a turkey vulture soaring over the river in it’s concrete canyon! From there we then headed over to dinner after a little more munzeeing. More socialising and then down the freeway and a flyover as well to change direction and finally home!! Two more nights here and then on to Arizona.
P.S. so far we’ve walked about 90 kms and driven about 200 miles.

IMG_1529 Turkey vultureIMG_1531 IMG_1520Woodpecker & hummingbird hide and seek!

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