Day 12 – Tucson, Arizona – 9th March 2016

We were packed and ready to go by 7.30, but we headed the wrong way for a little while to capture a room in a resort munzee, then onto the I 10 again headed for Tucson. This leg only took 2 hrs and I’ve forgotten to check the mileage! In California trucks (and there were lot of them) are only allowed a maximum speed of 55 mph, but here in Arizona they are allowed to sit on the speed limit of 75 mph! I generally sat in the slower right lane doing about 71 mph, but it is disconcerting having these huge trucks overtaking you! Anyway we rocked up at our next hotel at 10.30 to discover check in wasn’t until 3. LOL we knew we were early, but not that early. Anyway, what a dilemma then, which way to walk and which munzees to get, as Maria found this place in the middle of the 8th largest mystery cluster in the world!! So we left the car in the hotel car park and kept going. This little corner actually has about half a dozen hotels/motels and other eating places all in one sport with Walmart and a few other shops across the highway. The local munzee hunter, Douglas, tracked us down for a chat. I commented that everyone drives fast, and he said that 10 mph over the speed limit was overlooked, however in Texas some of the highways have a limit of 85 mph. That won’t be me!!!!!!! We carried on munzeeing and got back to the car about 12.30, had lunch, just a sandwich, and then we drove out to a virtual garden called Toad. It was created over the top of a suburb and it was great driving through looking at all the great cacti in the gardens. Lots of the had the saguaro cacti, as well as the barrel cacti and other different ones. It was a very clean, nice looking suburb. From there we headed over to the virtual garden depicting Yoshi. Douglas had said that it was in an area that had been badly storm damaged and was going to become part of an estuary rather than reclaiming it. So with his warning of rattlesnakes starting to appear (it’s spring here) we headed off into the wilds of Arizona. It was lovely, sunshine, wind with just a little chill to it, blue skies, casurina trees and others I have no idea what they were. We stayed on the tracks and open spaces, but we walked around the whole area, it had been a disk golf course. It obviously had had water at some stage as the ground had those almost hexagonal cracked dried mud patterns everywhere. But we laughed at the sign about what not to do in the water! As we were leaving we saw a little ground squirrel, small & cute. We had seen some little lizards and heard a few birds, but nothing else.

From there we went back to check in, 4 pm by now, unpacked and then headed out to the Walmart for a couple of nights worth of frozen dinners, munzeeing all the way!

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