Once again left about 8 and walked for about 3 hours, and it rained for at least 2.5 of those hours! Very wet morning, and seeing as how the rain map showed only tiny little showers we were rather put-out and rather wet by the time we got home again. Had an early lunch and left about 1230 and still encountered rain, but not as much as earlier. Mind you the shoes were still wet, not long enough drying time, LOL. Forgot to add in the 5 kms we did the first day we arrived, so including today it’s about 65 kms so far. The people here are very friendly, everyone we have encountered has been interested and encouraging. One lady did say that it was unusually cold and unusually wet this year, typical, lol.
Gary picked us up about 4 and we came back to the house to relax a little and to get ready for dinner out tonight with Kay, Anthony and Callum. And of course, it’s not raining and we can actually see some blue (shhh) sky!