Day 15, 2nd July 2019 – Middelfart, Denmark

PS to last night – had shrimp salad for dinner, very nice it was too.

Didn’t bother about sunrise, even though I wole up for it. Lots of cloud and rain. Had breakfast and packed and walked to the bus station fopr the airport bus. Luckily missed the rain, it started again as I got on the bus. 40 minutes later was at the airport. Sat around for a long time but better to be there than sitting in the hotel. The plane loading was a little late, due to take off at 15.35 rather than 15.20. However, Arlanda airport is developing itself and only one of the 3 runways was in use. Then they closed the runway we were heading for, so we kept on to the next one, and waited and waited and waited. Finally we took off, 75 minutes late, basically 15 minutes after we should have landed. Trouble with that was my next flight was 90 minutes away. Had to get from one end of Copenhagen airport to the other to get my flight. Was the last person to check-in and then had to wait for a bus to take 4 of us over to the plane. It was a rather small one but only took off 30 minutes late. However, wait for it, my suitcase didn’t make it! My first time with no luggage. Nanna was waiting for me which was great, so we filled in the forms and are hoping it will arrive tomorrow. I had taken my spare clothes and tablets out of my hand luggage…… won’t do that again, LOL. Got an emergency pack from the airport, but fingers crossed it appears soon.

Had a great drive home with Nanna, lots of chatting and enjoying the green countryside. No photos sorry!