Day 6 – 19 September 2017

Rather out of sorts today as slept from 10-midnightish and then 6-9 am, so just feeling ugh! LOL. Anyway, decided to go back to Erwin Park as it was so peaceful and it was even more so being a working day. Drove around and stopped lots to walk a bit and get physical munzees. Noticed that there were lots of munzee feathers appearing on the map and then had a rendezvous with Theo, whom Helen & met in Berlin several years ago. He and Doris are also here for the Bash and we did a little virtual puppy swapping. From there came back for lunch and a nap, and couldn’t even fall asleep then!!! So went off for a drive to finish off the crossbow munzees form last night and popped into Walmart for a few more supplies, especially water.

Had a frustrating time in that the atm’s there wouldn’t recognise my savings account attached to my credit card, so couldn’t get any cash. Will have to find a proper bank tomorrow and get that sorted!!

As a treat I bought a small individual pumpkin pie, which is not something seen at home, and it was very nice. All the Halloween paraphernalia is out for sale and look great in all those autumnal colours.

Going to try to have an early night and see if that helps!!

There was obviously something dead in the field as there were lots of vultures circling around, one with something dangling from it’s beak before it flew off.

 pecan tree in fruit or is that nut, LOL