Day 7 – Adelaide – 9 Apr 2017

Didn’t have a great sleep last night, The cold front moved in and the wind set off a tree rubbing and banging against a shed out back!

Anyway, we headed out for a virtual garden just outside the CBD of Adelaide. Mind you we made the most of not many vehicles on the roads and drove through Adelaide a few times. It did rain a few times, just short, sharp showers.  We had a pleasant walk around a couple of open parks and got back to the car for the next shower of rain,

We then stopped for a little street walking and once again made it back to the car before it rained. But the wind was quite strong and rather cold.

Home for a spot of lunch and then we headed out again for some more street walking, but not so lucky with the rain, we had to don rain coats and stick the phones into plastic bags and got a tad damp several times.

Had a good trip, walked around 85 kms over the 5 days, sore feet, and lots and lots of munzees, LOL.

 Helen at the park Maria at the parkGetting ready for rain